REBUILD: Liturgical Dance Conference
Min. Tricia Thomas
Min. Tricia I. Thomas received her license to preach by the African Methodist Episcopal Church on March 22, 2021 and will be ordained an itinerant deacon on July 10, 2023. She is currently a member of Saint Mark AME in Virginia Beach, VA and serves as the supply pastor at Centerville Chapel AME Church in Chesapeake, VA. Min. Thomas is a graduate of Norfolk State University where she received her Bachelor of Arts in English. She received her Master of Arts in English Literature in May 2023 from Old Dominion University where she is a freshman composition instructor. She is currently in pursuit of her Master of Divinity in Christian Theology at Regent University. She is also a student in the doctoral program at Old Dominion University where she is pursuing her PhD in English. Min. Thomas is the Founder and Director of Teach One Reach One, a non-profit organization that aims to enlighten, empower, and enrich urban communities. She is the proud mother of Bella, who is the sunshine of her life.