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Rebuild To Serve The Present Age

The Body of Christ is in the midst of a church culture shift. The emerging church must remain steadfast and centered in the Word of God as the world grows further and further away.  In today’s context, dance ministers must remain true to their callings and their ministry while offering God real, true genuine praise, movement integrity and presenting themselves as living sacrifices. We must Rebuild to serve the present age and dance in our callings.

Rebuild Off Tradition

There are many traditions and legacies that have taken us deeper in our relationships with the Holy Spirit. While some traditions have served us well, there are others that must be released so that God can do a new thing in us, in the Body of Christ, and our ministries.  We must rebuild on a firm foundation of faith; holding on to our history and legacy, while embracing the new ways in which God is speaking.

Rebuild to Revive

The pandemic, COVID-19 protocols, and the social ills of today have many of us displaced from ministry and our houses of worship.  Some of us were sidelined and have lost our zeal for the church and ministry.  Our dance has turned to mourning.  It’s time to reverse and turn our mourning back into dancing.  Let’s reignite the passion of the dance and the Ministry.  It's time to Rebuild.

Rebuild to Core

The dance is the language of our spirit, souls and bodies.  We must be made whole in every dimension of our lives so that our dances mirror the Spirit of the Lord.  Liturgical Dance Therapy offers a way to strengthen the core of our being, while releasing the toxins the we carry in our lives.  Address your spiritual and emotional well-being through dance ministry. This will rebuild your core, center you in the Spirit and keep you grounded in the Word.

Rebuild For The Future

Children (Saturday only)  The future belongs to those who prepare today, not tomorrow.  The future is now and we must train and prepare children in ministry and for ministry. Children are exposed to so much in the world through so many platforms.  We must expose them to the power of the dance and cover them in the blood of Christ. They must be equipped with the power of the Word to dance strong in the church of today.

Self Care Through Dance

In order for our movement to be pure and authentic, we must take care of ourselves holistically. Not only is it essential that we take care of our temples to dance; we can dance to take care of our bodies, minds and spirits. Rebuild from the inside out, by rebuilding yourself and ensuring you take the
appropriate steps to becoming physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually healthy.

Rebuild Technique

Strong technique is the key to building a firm movement foundation. Regardless of your skill level, proper technique will help you better execute the Word through movement. Study to show yourselves approved by improving your dance form and technique. Rebuild your technique to strengthen your body and align your movement.

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