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From The Pastors Pen

Rev. Troy Thomas & Rev. Dr. Maxine Thomas

Dear Friends,

Welcome to our dynamic REBUILD: Liturgical Dance Conference! We are so grateful for
the honor to host this experience that opens an opportunity for participants to experience
healing and next level spiritual empowerment as we worship through creative arts. Ministry
in Motion led by Rev. Dr. Sarita Wilson continues to spread love and joy as it models by
example worshiping God in the beauty of holiness. We are grateful and inspired by the
dynamic leadership of Dr. Sarita as she personally pours into the lives of the praise dancers
at St. Andrew, the church as well as churches and individuals not only in this region, but
globally are impacted by her ministry and anointing.

REBUILD: Liturgical Dance Conference is unique in that it provides in conference form
workshops, worship services and a Morning Glory service as opportunities to inspire,
instruct, and train other dance ministries and individuals to worship God and to cultivate a
deeper and more abiding intimacy with God as they express their worship in dance.

The invitation to “come away my beloved” is extended to all who desire to reach a new
level in prophetic dance and warfare worship. And so, we implore you to get involved on
each level—mind, body, and spirit. Allow the transformative power of God through the free
flow of the Holy Spirit to anoint you and fill you with his power as you freely dance to the
glory of God.

Please let us know if there is anything that you need while you are here at The Saint. We’re
blessed by your presence and by this awesome opportunity to serve.


Rev. Troy I. Thomas, Senior Pastor
Rev. Dr. Maxine L. Thomas, Assistant Pastor


St. Andrew AME Church

Worship with us!

Sundays - In-Person and Virtual at 10:00am

Bible Study - Tuesdays at 12 noon

Ministering to Memphis Spirit, Soul and Body!

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